Used Car Prices: Web-Based Values Myths and Facts
Eighty percent of car buyers are using the Internet to research cars and used car prices. For vehicle research, the Internet’s great! For vehicle prices, the Internet sucks! It sucks because the prices do not reflect reality for the buyer or the seller. Web sites that place values on vehicles have created more confusion than ever.
“My car’s worth $25,800.” “I looked up used car prices on the web and my vehicle’s worth twenty grand.” I hear quotes like these everyday. I wish, for the customer’s sake, that the values are real. By “real” I mean a viable number according to market value.
As hard as it is to accept, even for me as a dealer, what we think a car is worth, and what it’s actually worth according to “market value” is often drastically different.
To find a vehicle’s value....full article click used car prices
-Ted Olson
Medway Imports
Importing a Passion for Driving!
Ted Olson is the founder of RepairTrust. A website designed to empower the repair customer to take control of car repair prices