Friday, December 08, 2006

Car Maintenance Costs

Charging excessive car maintenace and repair costs has become an accepted practice across the auto service industry. Auto sales tricks, online and off, are just as outrageous.

The following RepairTrust Experiment sets out to change this...

The RepairTrust Experiment
We’re Going “Live” to Actively Promote Fair Auto Sales Pricing—Online and Off, and Fair Car Maintenance Costs.

RepairTrust has teamed up with Medway Imports, a European sales and service center. The experiment is to show that the rigorous “customer-friendly” pricing guidelines, discussed in-depth inside the RepairTrust eBook Trilogy, are truly workable in a “real-life” sales and service environment.

In other words, RepairTrust is putting its fair pricing claims to the test. Since the automotive industry is so money focused to the point of poor customer service, and unethical practices, RepairTrust and Medway Imports will...Get Full Article @ Car Maintenance Costs

-Ted Olson
Empowering the Auto Consumer!