Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Searching For Car Repair Prices

If you’ve ever surfed the web looking for prices on car repair, you probably got a bit frustrated with the lack of information. The reason for this is multi-faceted. In short, auto repair costs are extremely variable because car repair has a number of variables as well as unknowns. Thus there are no accurate databases or lists, or even computer generated pricing programs, that could even come close to hitting the mark on car repair costs.

So there’s no easy cheat sheet that states: replace water pump: $487.65 - tune up: $125.87 - oil change: $29.95. A recent letter to RepairTrust illustrates just how hard it is to get accurate car repair pricing information:

It states:


I’m working on a project for driver’s education and I need to find prices for a tune-up, 2 oil changes, and a brake job. Unfortunately, none of the sites will tell me how much they are...please help!

We responded:


Specific and accurate car repair prices don't exist on the web. There are
just too many variables, too many types of cars, and too many repairs at any
given time to provide an accurate car repair estimate.

This is why RepairTrust has implemented "LIVE" auto repair pricing @ This service will provide detailed, accurate and professional auto repair estimates.

We do provide FREE samples of online auto repair estimates @ so you could get lucky.

Even your oil change question, while a GREAT question, has hundreds of
different answers. For example, an oil change on a Toyota Camry might cost
$29.95, but an oil change on a Volvo might cost $89.99.

The same goes for tune up, brakes, and the rest. There are no generic

I hope this helps.

If you'd like us to provide an estimate for you, visit us @

Good luck on your project!

Empowering the Car Repair Customer
Making sense of car repair costs