Friday, August 29, 2008

Auto Repair: Dealer Prices versus Local Shops

There are many who assume that local repair shops charge significantly less than the dealer for auto repair. While at times they certainly do; it’s not something one can bank on, nor compare – easily anyway. What type of service, parts, and quality of workmanship are you getting for your money? In other words, local shops can easily under-price a dealer by using aftermarket parts, for example. This is not to say dealers don’t have their issues - they’re often horrible, inept hacks - but we need to consider for "what" are we paying.

During a recent interview, a woman stated that she called her dealership for a quote for front brake pads and rotors. Since the price from her local service center was the same, she had them do it. She was happy that, in her mind, she got a fair deal.

In fact, the local repair shop used aftermarket disc brake pads and rotors. The labor rate was less. The parts were less. But she paid the same. She paid the same price, but got inferior parts installed on her vehicle. Her repairs may not necessarily be unsafe. They parts may work fine. However, does it make sense (for the same money) to do this? Did this woman get a good value? No – she got ripped-off. It happens every day….

To learn more, visit a free article center @ auto maintenance

Ted Olson
Making sense of Auto Repair

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Auto Maintenance: Will Driving 55 MPH Save Gas?

In the current gas crisis, many are touting the benefits of auto maintenance, hybrid cars and driving-style strategies. Some suggestions are better than others. One, however, is down right dangerous – Driving 55 MPH.

Although a reduced driving speed does indeed save gas, there are three scenarios that will occur should one maintain such a reduced highway cruising speed as 55 MPH. They may happen individually or all at once.

Cussed out. You will be sworn at, glared at, and thought of as an imbecile. This annoyance by your driving compatriots is justified from the perspective of the "go-with-the-flow" commuter attitude. It may even be argued that your efforts at fuel conservation are causing a domino effect, making thousands of vehicles to "hit the brakes," which is one of the greatest wastes of energy for a car. Nevertheless, perhaps this seems miner given the extra pennies saved each month on gas.

Cut Off. Cars will be whizzing by you left and right. Many will cut in front of you – again rightfully so – based on the aforementioned commuter logic. Getting cut off is not fun, and can waste energy (as you slam on the brakes). It will also significantly increase your chances of crashing, which is never a good gas savings method.

Killed. Of course crashing can greatly increase your chances of getting killed, or killing others. What is the death risk-factor to fuel savings worth? Should one opt for the latter, is that decision fair to the driving community?

To confirm the above, a panic-stricken, professional woman related the horrors of when she tried to drive 55 MPH during her commute. She stated that she was cussed out, cut off and "damn near killed." Fellow commuters were making rude hand gestures, swearing, honking, and swerving in front of her of car. Fun stuff – for how much savings…?

Until we get every driver to govern one’s vehicle to 55 MPH it’s probably best to go with the flow. In the mean time, check your tire pressure, and keep your vehicle maintained according to your manufacturer’s recommendations.

Ted Olson
Making Sense of Auto Repair


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Car Maintenance: Will it Really Help Gas Mileage?

As gas prices continue to rise, the auto industry is out in full force touting the benefits of car maintenance. Many repair shops even have custom "fuel saver" services. While maintaining one’s car is indeed important, does it really save gas? Before we answer this, let’s step back and look at auto maintenance for today’s cars.

The first question we need to ask is – what does my car need (according to the manufacturer) for it to be considered "maintained." Today’s cars no longer have distributor caps, rotors, points, and a variety of other ignition components – so these don’t need maintenance. Many vehicles now come with extended service parts such as 100,000-mile platinum spark plugs and life-time fuel filters. Oil change intervals have been extended to 5,000 miles or more. The 3,000-mile oil change is ancient history. Coolant flushes and transmission services aren’t needed until 100,000 miles if at all. Yet, even if we performed all the above services, will they increase fuel efficiency? Probably not. Unless your vehicle is misfiring (i.e., not running on all cylinders), you’re gas mileage is likely fine.

So what part of car maintenance adversely effects gas mileage for the average driver of a late model vehicle? Three things: tire pressure, air filters, and excess carbon.

Tire Pressure: Setting your tire pressure is free, and is the best maintenance service you can perform to maintain maximum fuel efficiency. It’s that simple.

Air Filters: Air filters can indeed get plugged after a considerable amount of driving and can then restrict air flow, which will not allow your fuel to burn efficiently. This can also cause excess carbon build-up, which can reduce miles per gallon. The good news: air filters are cheap ($15 to $30), are easy to install, and usually only need replacement every 30,000 miles.

Excess Carbon: There is another auto maintenance service that "can" help gas mileage. It’s called a fuel system cleaning service. Some repair centers call it fuel injector auto maintenance, or a fuel injection service. Simply, chemicals are added to your fuel system through a variety of orifices to clean out excess carbon deposits on your valves, pistons and intake manifold. This naturally forming carbon (in excess) is not good for gas mileage. Excess carbon absorbs gasoline, which would otherwise be used to power your vehicle. However, before you run out and spend the $150 + to have this service performed, there is one important consideration – the service will only work for vehicles that need it. In other words, yes the stuff works, but you’re vehicle may not have any excess carbon build-up. You wouldn’t wash clean clothes – right?

When you see those "fuel saver" services for $100 to $300, they’ll likely include an air filter, tire pressure check, and a fuel system cleaning service. If you’re wondering whether or not your vehicle needs it, ask yourself the following:

1) Do I use quality gasoline consistently?
2) Have I replaced my air filter at least every 30,000 miles?
3) Have I checked my tire pressure recently?

If you can answer these questions affirmatively, you’re probably ok. Buying cheap, no-name gas once-in-awhile is ok. Replacing the air filter and setting your tire pressure is common sense. Also, if you drive like grandma, get out on the highway and press the vertical pedal at your right foot "all the way to the floor" until your vehicle accelerates to speeds at which you’re not all too entirely comfortable. Then repeat a few more times. This will help clean out excess carbon – FREE – less the cost of fuel. Be careful. Watch out for cops.

In summary, follow your manufacturer guidelines for your car’s maintenance – not ones designed by those who stand to benefit most. Use name-brand fuel, set your tire pressure now and again, pop in an air filter, according to your car’s recommended interval, and don’t be afraid to drop the hammer now and again.

Making Sense of Car Maintenance