30% Chance of Getting Your Car Fixed Right the First Time
While there are a number of factors why it’s difficult get your car fixed right the first time, let’s explore a primary reason: the qualifications of who’s actually fixing your car. According to studies, 70% of automotive technicians are not qualified to work on your car. This includes technicians from dealerships, local shops, and franchises.
Over a decade ago, automotive manufacturers were predicting widespread shortages in “qualified” technicians. Now, given that 80% of the functions of the average car are controlled by electronics, qualified technicians are in even greater demand. I frequently come across advertisements for master technicians which include $5000 sign-on bonuses.
Today’s mechanics must be “technicians” in the true sense of the word. Technicians need an in-depth understanding of the complex and advanced interactive theory of mechanical, electrical, and computer systems. Today’s cars are literally a network of computers on wheels.
The true technicians are the guys who can navigate multiple systems of theory to diagnose what’s causing your car to intermittently stall at highway speeds in cold weather, on Route 66 every other Thursday morning, when it rains.
Automotive technology has advanced far beyond local mechanics, most of whom are still struggling with basic electronics (see the “Acceleration of Price-Gouging” blog, September 2006). The service industry has responded somewhat with a focus on training, but it’s too little too late. Training alone will not make up for the years of lost time, coupled with the technological advancements to come.
The really bad news is that you, the service customer, will pay top dollar to have an amateur poke and prod your vehicle. No matter how you look at it, paying top dollar for an amateur is ripping you off!
There are a few good tips to ensure a qualified technician works on your car, but in terms of price, they will not make any difference. In fact, the more experienced the tech/shop, the more they will know how to rip you off without you ever knowing.
Today’s service customer needs to be empowered with information that has been kept well-hidden for many years. What’s really needed is an “insider’s” understanding of the automotive service industry—its pricing structures, hierarchy, and mentality. This, along with easy-to-use software, guides, and comprehensive, eye-opening reading material will revolutionize the service industry, allowing the service customer to take control of car repair prices.
Although true, this last part is a shameless plug for my eBooks…
$29 for all three!
-ARREST the Automotive Service Industry!
-Maintenance Myths: A Step-by-Step Guide to STOP Getting Ripped Off!
-Auto Repair: Who’s Ripping You Off and Why!
-Theodore P. Olson
Car Repair Help
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