Friday, December 22, 2006

What’s My Vehicle Worth?

What's my vehicle worth? What a question! I wish that after 20 years in the automotive industry there was a simple answer. One would think that with all the information available it would make prices and values easier to obtain. In fact, in many ways, the numbers are more unclear than ever.

The following e-mail conversation regarding retail car prices and trade-in values highlights the confusion and misconceptions about automobile price and value.

This conversation occurred between me/Ted, the dealer, and Rich, the customer...

[Begin Email]


Hi Rich...

Donna loves the 2006 Volvo. It’s a perfect fit!

Again retail value is: $23,800

Here's what Medway Imports can do:
2006 Volvo S40 Price.............$18,995
2001 Chevy Impala Trade-In Value…........$4,000

Thanks Rich!

Note: the Volvo is still under its factory 4-Year 50,000-mile warranty, free road side assistance…etc.


Hi Ted,

Thanks for the information. The Volvo certainly is a great price, but isn’t my Impala worth $6,000-$7,000?....Click What's My Vehicle Worth for the full article...

-Ted Olson
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