Monday, March 24, 2008

Auto Repair - Just How Much Fraud Is There?

I received an inquiry from a reporter recently with one simple question - how much fraud is there? I though that I would share our response here as well...
"You ask a great question. RepairTrust studies show that 98% of all car repair shops are charging excessively in one form or another. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that automotive service consumers are scammed tens of billions of dollars every year. Repair shops—dealerships, local shops, and franchises—are repeatedly at the top of consumer complaint lists every year.
RepairTrust Consumer Surveys indicate the following...
86% of car repair customers surveyed stated car repair prices are either too high or outrageous
78% of car repair customers suspect that they pay too much for car repair
70% are concerned about getting overcharged for car repair
40% stated that they knew they were overcharged for car repair
73% want a resource to determine fair car repair prices
78% want information that will help them avoid car repair scams
69% want information that would allow them to advocate for themselves
62% want information that will help lower car repair costs
It's important to note that there are three broad areas of car repair fraud:
Consumer Fraud - this is probably the area that you're looking to investigate, and the area with which most are familiar
Warranty Fraud - very few realize the millions stolen from the vehicle manufacture by their dealer partner
Dealer Fraud - In-house fraud, or one department stealing from another (e.g., a service department billing fraudulent repairs to a sales department)
The information that we've collected from the dark underworld of auto repair is massive... I would encourage you to review the following FREE articles @"
Making Sense Of Auto Repair